
How To Apply Sassa Grants For October 2024

How To Apply Sassa Grants

How To Apply Sassa Grants For October 2024

Sassa grants are a lifeline for millions of South Africans with more than receiving 18 million people receiving permanent grant payments. If you want to benefit from these social grants, you should submit a Sassa grant application, this content will teach you how to apply Sassa Grants for October 2024.

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) provides social grants to millions of financially vulnerable individuals, ensuring they do not face extreme poverty. Grants offered include the Older Persons Pension Grant, Disability Grant, War Veterans Grant, Care Dependency Grant, Foster Child Grant, Child Support Grant, Child Support Grant Top-Up, and Grant-in-Aid.

This post will walk you through the process of applying for a Sassa grant for October 2024.

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1. Visit Your Local Sassa Branch

To apply for a grant, visit your local Sassa office, where personnel will walk you through the application procedure. If you cannot apply due to illness or age, you can authorize someone to apply on your behalf.

2. Online Application

Sassa also offers online applications for Child Support, Older Persons, and Disability Grants.

How To Apply Sassa Grants Online

How To Apply Sassa Grants

1. Visit the Sassa Services Portal.
2. Register as a new user.
3. Log in with your username and password.
4. Click “Apply For A Grant.”
5. Choose the grant you want to apply for (e.g., Older Persons, Child Support, Foster Child).
6. Complete the application form thoroughly.
7. Print Sassa’s affidavit and get it certified by a Commissioner of Oaths.
8. Print, sign, and submit the Bank Payment form along with the certified affidavit.
9. Upload all required supporting documents in PDF format.
10. Submit your application. You will receive a confirmation email or SMS that includes a tracking reference number.

Refer to the Sassa website for the required documents for each grant type.

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Sassa Grant Payments

Sassa grant payments are made in the first week of each month, excepting public holidays and weekends.

Sassa has also emphasized that beneficiaries are not obligated to collect their funds immediately. The funds will stay in their accounts until needed.

Sassa grant recipients have two choices for obtaining their money.

How to apply Sassa Grants: They can opt to have their Sassa grant automatically paid into their bank accounts. This is the preferable choice since the funds remain secure in the account until they are needed.

Alternatively, beneficiaries can pick up their grants in cash at ATMs, Pick n Pay stores, Checkers stores, Shoprite stores, and Boxer stores.

The Social Relief of Distress Grant

The Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is managed by section 32 of the Social Assistance Act, 2004 (Act No. 13 of 2004) and is carried out with the approval of the Minister of Finance.

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The Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD Grant) is intended for South African citizens, refugees, asylum seekers, and special permit holders aged 18 to 60 who have insufficient means, do not receive social grants on their behalf, do not contribute to or are eligible for UIF payment, and have no other financial support. How to apply Sassa Grants.

Applicants or their proxy will need to confirm or give the following information for SASSA to examine their application.

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Confirmation of having read and accepted the provisions in the Declaration and Consent Documents:

  • Personal Details
  • Mobile Number (cell phone number)
  • Employment Information and Lifestyle Sustainability Information
  • Banking Information

Important to note

Please keep in mind that all information will be delivered online, therefore there is no need to upload any documents. Please give SASSA with a mobile number (cell phone number) so that we may contact you and provide you with feedback on the status of your application. If this number is not the same as the number used to apply, please contact the SASSA call centre on 0800 601 011 to update the mobile number.

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If your application is denied, you have the right to challenge the SASSA decision by filing an appeal with the Department of Social Development for each month that it was denied.


Can I apply for a Sassa grant online?

Complete the SASSA Child Support Grant online application form carefully.

Can I make a Sassa appointment online?

The online method enables candidates to conduct the following: To schedule medical evaluation appointments (to see the SASSA doctor). To check the booking information. To examine the documentation necessary to complete the disability grant application.

Who qualifies for social grants?

South African citizens, permanent residents, and refugees. Applicants must be residents of South Africa at the time of application. I have a medical/assessment report proving my impairment. Meet the means test requirements for a Care Dependency Grant.

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